Mentor Joseph

How Your Beliefs Affect The Fulfillment Of Your Dreams

Joseph Season 1 Episode 1

This is the first installment of my Mentor Joseph Podcast. I’m Joseph Feusi and I’ve been a Mentor since 1994.

In this podcast I discuss the importance of belief systems. My experience has been that most people’s dreams are possible. Why most of us (me included at times in my life) have a hard time fulfilling dreams is that for one reason or another we simply can’t or maybe we feel on some level that we don’t deserve to. Why we can’t fulfill our dreams usually comes down to one simple thing—our belief system will not allow us to believe that our dreams are fulfillable. We can acquire these belief systems from a wide variety of sources. It can be our families, who they themselves did not believe that our dreams were fulfillable, and we received that message from them and took it to heart. Educational, religious, cultural and other systems can teach us that our dreams are not realistic and that we should not attempt to fulfill them. When I’ve talked to clients and they have explained to me why they believe that their deeply held dreams are unfulfillable, I am always surprised. Because, more often than not, they have all the requisite and prerequisite requirements and abilities to fulfill their dreams. They just lack one thing! They need to believe in themselves and develop a belief that their dreams are fulfillable. 

So I ask my clients why do you believe that your dreams are unfulfillable? The majority of their answers are simply not accurate. Which brings me to the second part of the podcast today—which is the importance of verifying the authenticity of what you believe. Success in pretty much everything comes down to accurate information. If the information that you were given is that you can’t do something and it remains unchallenged in the absence of accurate information, then you won’t be able to do it, not because you can’t, but you will simply not try or try in a way that will not bring you the desired result. I, too, have held beliefs about myself that there were things that I thought that I couldn’t accomplish, only to discover that it was nothing but the belief alone that was holding me back. 

The podcast has a brief homework assignment for you at the end where I ask you to ask yourself why you hold certain beliefs and where did they come from? 

I look forward to sharing more podcasts in the near future!


Enjoy, Joseph.

If you’re interested in being mentored by me, check out my websites and feel free to contact me. I'd love to hear from you and about your dreams!

How Your Beliefs Affect the Fulfillment of Your Dreams 

Hello and Welcome to the first Mentor Joseph Podcast, 

I’m here in the hopes that this is the beginning of the fulfillment of your dreams. My hope is that this podcast is a place where you can stop by and find assistance in the helping of the fulfillment of your dreams. 

Throughout the years, I have helped many, many people fulfill their dreams. So as I'm starting this podcast today, I'm thinking about the reality that all our adventures have to start with a beginning. So today's first podcast is about beginnings. But it's also about endings too. One of the most important things that comes up in dealing with mentoring and motivating to try to bring dreams into the world and have them become real is that, generally, as a rule, we have a time frame. Our time frame could be set because specific things are going on, but our time frame can also be that we're trying to figure out how to do things before the end of our life. 

So one of the things that I have learned over the years is that the reality is, is that sooner or later, if you don't do it, it's not going to make a difference, because you won't be here. So that's why it becomes really important, like this podcast, to start at the beginning and to get it started. 

For lots and lots of us, we have a very difficult time starting things. So in this first podcast, I want to talk about starting things, because I'm actually starting this podcast. The fulfillment of any dream is gathering up all the pieces that are going to be necessary to create that dream. So the first thing is information, to try to make sure that you have accurate information. 

After you figured out what is accurate in regards to the fulfillment of your dream, the next thing is to break it down into its smallest units, so that you start doing a little bit every single day working towards your dream. You take these smaller units and as you start to move through them and accomplish them, then you start working on trying to make bigger units. 

Now, more often than not, what people fail to do in this whole process is in addition to the size of whatever it is that you're trying to figure out how to do, you also have to rate things on whether it's easy or hard. A lot of people get confused about this, and actually may start with something that's really hard to do instead of something that's easy that's part of the fulfillment of your dreams. As a result of this, then what happens is they start with the hardest things first, and then it doesn't take very long before they're not trying anymore. 

So this is what I want you to do. I want you to label everything and identify everything that you know of at this point that's going to help you fulfill your dreams. And then I want you to start with the easiest things first. 

Now, because information is so important and an education about what you want to do, it's very important to make sure that the information that you have is accurate. When people contact me and they say, you know, I've been trying to do this for a while, and I've been trying to fulfill this dream, and I'm having a real difficult time, the first thing that I do is an inventory of making sure that all of the stuff that they know about what is necessary to fulfill their dream is accurate. More often than not, I find out that there are discrepancies in the accuracy. 

Now, how these discrepancies generally come into existence is they're created based upon a belief system, and belief systems can be really problematic in fulfilling dreams. We could believe that we can't do it. We've been told by people we can't do it. There's an unconscious feeling that we can't do it. So the reality is, is that people run up against belief systems all the time. 

So let's look at this simple metaphor. You're sitting in a restaurant, minding your own business. Somebody runs in and says, there's a crazy person down the street with a firearm, and he's headed this way. Everybody gets up and they run out of the back door of the restaurant. It turns out that this was a joke that somebody was playing. But for that brief moment, while we thought that we were actually in danger, we developed a belief system that took us into action. The problem is, is that a lot of belief systems that we can hold can actually do the opposite, and they put us into a set of circumstances where we believe we can't do this, or we can't gather up the necessary parts, or we're never going to understand how to do it, and therefore our action is stalled and stilled, and as a result, we can't accomplish things. 

So the most important thing in dream fulfillment is accurate information. So I spend a lot of time as a mentor talking to people, explaining that the information that they have about what they're trying to accomplish is not accurate. There may be sets of circumstances where people do have accurate information about what it takes to fulfill their dreams, but they believe that for some reason or another, they can't do it themselves, which is another false belief. 

So over the years, I have found that the most important thing to understand about all of this is that more often than not, it's easier to fulfill the dreams that people are trying to accomplish than they actually believe. So, belief systems that can be created almost instantly, that can become insuperable obstacles to fulfilling your dreams are the first thing that have to be challenged. So I will often ask a client, what are your belief systems around the fulfillment of their dreams? And when they start to describe to me what their actual belief systems are, I start taking their belief systems as part and explaining that they have no basis in reality. So therefore the problem in fulfilling their dreams is actually an imaginary tale that they're telling themselves inside their head, and not something that's concrete in the real world. 

So to accomplish anything, the chief causal agent to make something work is to have accurate information. It's kind of like you can have two people who are in agreement because they think they're in agreement, but what they understand is wildly different, but they don't have the ability to interpret that. You can have two people who are in complete disagreement in the same set of circumstances that don't realize, even though they're arguing, that what they actually believe is the same. So it becomes really important to have accurate information, especially in regards to belief of what you can or cannot do. 

My experience has been that if somebody's interested in doing something, more than likely they have the capacity to do it, that there's something that's keeping them from doing it, and the majority of the time, what's keeping them from doing it is a belief that they can't. There may be varying ways to which they can do things, and they may be choosing to believe a way that is unmanageable or unrealistic for them when there's another avenue that they can take to accomplish the same goal. 

Time and time again, when it comes down to fulfilling people's dreams, what's most important to understand is what gets in their way of the fulfillment of the dream is belief. And with clients, I've seen this over and over and over again. In fact, there can even be sets of circumstances where you point out to clients that you know your dream is readily available and easy to fulfill. All you have to do is change your belief systems. And when they come up against this, it's rather shocking and kind of difficult, because it's hard to convince them that they can't do what they're doing based upon their belief. The more intelligent they are, the more difficult this is, because they'll start making arguments and building intellectual strategy structures that basically defend their position that they can't do something. So then you have to start arguing with them and take apart their strategy structure, which is their belief system that says, “No, I'm not going to be able to do this,” and prove to them that they can. 

So whenever I'm working with a client, 

  • the first major thing that comes up is, why do you believe you can't do this? 
  • and then the second major thing that comes up is, where does the accurate information come from that states that you can't?

So I want to give you a little homework assignment. I want you to ask yourself, why you believe the things that you believe, and where did these beliefs come from? Start questioning all of these things, because, more often than not, what keeps us from fulfilling our dreams in our life and doing the things that we want to do and having the things that we want to have is our belief systems. So once we can figure out how to alter our belief systems, then this greatly expands the opportunity for the fulfillment of dreams in our life.

Thank you for stopping by and checking out this podcast. For more information about this podcast, please go to mentor or motivational

So here's to wishing you well in the fulfillment of your dreams and creating the life that you always wanted to have.